
We want to make sure young people between the ages of 16-25 are at the heart of our organisation and have input on how it is run, what services are available (within our remit) and how those services are accessed.
Youth Advisory Board
​Aged 16-25 and passionate about young people’s rights? Come and join us on our 2025 board!
Apply by 31 January 2025
Please enquire below for other volunteering opportunities

We rely on the volunteering network and donations to support our works. Your help is incredibly important to us, as well as to young people's lives. Your donation will have a direct result on a young person's livelihood.

Partner with us
We work collaboratively with several organisations together providing legal advice and support to young people in Wandsworth, including Ashburton Youth Club run by Regenerate, Lifetimes, Wandsworth Advice forum, Family Action's Mental Health Support Team and Young Carer's projects. If you, or your organisation, would like to explore partnerships please get in touch below: