Young People's Conference 2021:
Presentation slides
Howard League - Dr Laura Janes
Education LGBTQ+ - Katherine Barnes
Young People's Conference 2020:
Presentation slides
Racial discrimination - Dorothea Jones
Young People's Conference 2019:
Presentation slides
SEN EHC Plan - Katherine Barnes
s17 Migrant Families - Khatija Hafesji
s.17 HUB
We are pleased to announce, with Project 17, that the Section 17 HUB is now open. It is an exciting new project which we have created in partnership with Project 17 to collate detailed information about local authorities' No Recourse to Public Funds (NRPF) practice . This is to enable organisations to obtain the best possible outcome when referring to, and helping destitute clients approach local authorities for support under s17 Children Act 1989, and assist strategic litigation.
Information includes contact details, policy and practice documents and s17 subsistence rates that Project 17 obtained through FOI responses from all local authorities in England, what challenges have been taken and their outcomes, JR applications issued, interim relief and/or result at hearing and judgements regarding NRPF policy documents. Templates such as a letter before claim and expenditure forms will be available. Although the policies are on the Hub, cases and resources are being added over time and will be populated over the next few months with ongoing updating.
Access to the database is by membership and will be available to organisations working with families who have NRPF. Go to the link here to apply
Part of the project is to collect information from all organisations advocating for destitute clients. We have created a Googleform here s17 Hub Data Entry form where you can load your cases to be put on the Hub, all of which are anonymized, but we ask that you keep a record of the cases you load. Additionally if you have contact details for local authorities we have not been able to obtain please send that information through to us as well as any judgements.
Further we have a small amount of funding to assist organisations who have many cases that need loading onto the Google form, so if you have over 5 cases to put on the system, please contact Youth Legal and discuss funding loading cases.
Debt & Money Advice